History of ANEC



Albert K. Som-Pimpong began preaching at the age of 15 in his homeland Ghana. His early soccer aspirations were literally shattered as a soccer field collision resulted in severe damaging of his spinal cord. The injury affected his memory and his concentration. This sudden, rapid switch from stellar student and athlete to forgetful and scatterbrained led him to seriously consider suicide. However, one memory the accident did not erase was the teachings of fasting and prayer he learnt growing up in the Pentecostal church. On the 3rd day of a 5 day fast, Pimpong was touched and healed by God. Both his memory and concentration were fully restored. From that day forward Albert Som-Pimpong has not stopped preaching.


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Mr Albert Som-Pimpong met Miss Dora Liverman and the two were married in 1984, the newlyweds began their marriage with a ministry of evangelism in 1985. Accompanied by other community leaders, the Som-Pimpong’s began to host outdoor crusades. These outdoor services that were set up in communities which had been disregarded by society. Thankfully these communities were not disregarded by God, the crusades resulted in many encounters with the Holy Spirit. In the midst of the communities violence and poverty, the crusades resulted in miracles, repentance and repeated evidence of God’s grace.

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In the midst of the AIDS pandemic, the picture of Africa had been tainted in the eyes of many Americans. After migrating to the US in 1983, Albert K Som-Pimpong was welcomed with a subtle anti-African hysteria that was being propagated by the media. After much fasting and prayer, in 1995 All Nations Evangelical Church was established in Greensboro, NC. Aiming to be a beacon of God’s love in the community whilst simultaneously alerting the world of its greatest sickness, sin. This church joined believers of all races, tongues and walks of life and continues to do so until this day.


In 2020 All Nations Evangelical Church continues to press towards being a light of God’s love in the community with the spirit of evangelism. With various ministries, such as ANIRA and ANEC Dance, acting as examples of practical Christianity that pursue the wellbeing of the local and international community. Pastor Som-Pimpong and Dora Som-Pimpong are now joined by their 4 children Kwame Som-Pimpong, Kwadwo Som-Pimpong, Kofi Som-Pimpong and Delali Som-Pimpong, in the development of the church. As well as a congregation of individuals who support the work of the lord.

More ANEC history coming soon